My Favorite Sources for Information & News

    Top 5 Sources for Information & News

    As political and social polarization continues to stretch, it may sometimes feel like it's more and more challenging to get the facts without also absorbing the charged opinions that accompany the delivery of these stories. By consuming from a variety of sources, I can form a more wholesome view on our nation and society more broadly. This carries over into my consumption of information regarding my personal health and wellness, as I am very careful to hear out the opinions and stories of people with a variety of experiences. Today I will be exploring some of sources which range in topics from COVID and war to diet and anti-aging regimens!

The Skinny Confidential

    First, I have to highlight my favorite source of information: The Skinny Confidential. Run by someone I look up to dearly, Lauryn Bosstick, The Skinny Confidential shares information about her journey with women's health, holistic wellness, clean living, entrepreneurship and the newest breakthroughs in the anti-anxiety, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging worlds. While this is not information everyone finds valuable, Lauryn Bosstick is the most trustworthy woman to rely on to learn about these spheres of life. Beyond her blog, Bosstick has a book, Stay the F*** Out of the Sun and a podcast, 'HIM AND HER Skinny Confidential' co-hosted by her husband, Michael Bosstick, the CEO and founder of Dear Media Productions, a podcast network focused on amplifying women's voices. Both her and her husband use their platforms for good by educating their audeince on every aspect of their journey that has brought them to health, happiness, peace, and prosperity. 

Good Good Good

        Good Good Good is a Portland based news site which emphasizes hopefulness and encourages change in regards to current events. Their Instagram page has been featured by Miley Cyrus and New York Times as well as by many other influencers and businesses. Not only does this page feature feel good stories like Bengal tigers being rescued from circuses, but they have a whole category of posts focused around instilling hope about topics concerning climate change, starvation, immigration, and mental health. I observed that some informative sites and news channels sometimes discuss these topics through a more devastating lens. So I appreciate Good Good Good's ability to encourage Americans to contribute to change as opposed to fearing the chaos or feeling as though issues are too out of reach to solve. I also appreciate Good News' ability to provide factual information in a brief and readable format. They also provide links to charities, organizations, or other resources to learn more, donate, or volunteer, further equipping citizens with the tools necessary to tackle our most challenging issues.

NPR News

        The inner middle aged woman in me adores incorporating NPR News into my morning routine. Most mornings my Amazon Alexa will ring my 7 or 8 AM alarm, I'll take a few minutes to do some tasks in silence, and when I start getting dressed I will ask Alexa to play NPR News. Something about the hosts' soothing voices and informative snippets makes me feel simultaneously more relaxed and intelligent all before I have my morning matcha. NPR News is a neutrally biased radio station focusing on US and world current events. I feel as though most of their content is strictly factual as opposed to being charged with opinion. More recently, when discussing gas prices and issues regarding Ukraine, the hosts provided me with the information necessary to form my own opinion rather than an argument to further project. This is so important for Americans to appreciate nowadays so that conversations can revolve around facts and compromise rather than argumentative back and forth that makes no progress. 

What's Up Wellesley

    Another place I like to get information on what's happening on a local scale is my hometown's Facebook group: What's Up Wellesley. This group is more of a forum which anyone in the community is free to voice their concerns and opinions. While a vast majority of posts consist of people simply seeking landscaping or handy-man recommendations, there is a lot of complaining on this forum. I feel this highlights a key issue in our society, one which is less about the sad lives of some rich middle aged women, and is more about privileged individuals lack of concern towards the real problems people face both inside and outside of their bubble. However, some are legitimate concerns about the littering or loitering in the community, which I feel are important issues to keep on the table of discussion. These kinds of pages are crucial to keep these conversations alive on a local level to protect our community and teach our children AND adults to be aware of some things we may neglect to consider on a day to day basis. 


    I love YouTube because it offers information on literally any subject. While it is certainly a source that is more important to fact check, by subscribing to a vast variety of YouTubers, I can get information from people across the political spectrum. As I mentioned earlier, I find it fascinating to listen to the views of people who, in my opinion, are radically liberal or radically conservative. By determining what's valid and misleading on both sides, I can better understand a plethora of viewpoints and form a more wholesome, balanced opinion. The channel 'Jubilee' does a fantastic job at pooling people with opposing views together in a room, asking tough questions, and encouraging a decorous conversation that goes on beyond the duration of the video. This is what is so important about media. Despite its ability to obviously share information and news, it is valuable to me when media brands use their platform to encourage the consumer of that media to have the tough conversations in a respectful way so that we may better understand each other, rather than oppose each other. Jubilee exemplifies this perfectly. 


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