Blog Post #10
Assange's Legal Battles The case of perfectly illustrates the incredibly detrimental effect of the growing overlap between journalism and entertainment. The Assange case offers a perfect example of this overlap; a journalist who merely published information obtained by others is vilified by the most powerful government in the world and the media is happy to participate. The way in which Assanage was expelled from the Ecuadorian embassy in London; with UK security personnel waiting until media was present to capture images of a dis-shelved Assanage, shows how powerful governments will utilize the media's desire for views and ratings to suppress some of the most fundamental principles of our American system, like freedom of speech and freedom of the press. This attempt by the UK government was deliberately designed to intimate any future whistleblowers and make an example out of Assanage in the interest of deterring not only future whistleblowers but those who publish their in...